Can I Eat To Lose Weight At Taco Bell?



In an effort to provide you guys with the best choices possible when eating on the go.  I went Mexican today that is Taco Bell.  I don’t recommend fast food, however I do understand it’s inevitable at times and rather than being a food snob I would rather give my fitness boot camp members good recommendations that help move the scale and tape in the right direction.

Taco Bell surprisingly has some good weight loss options for folks eating on the go.  For instance, the sausage A.M. griller is an excellent breakfast choice on the go.  It provides just 230 calories with only 16 grams of carbs.  Many of the items on the main menu surprised me with the low calorie count, but the carb count knocked them off my list.  Pushing sugar and insulin levels down is the key to burning fat so I moved to the gorditas.

The chicken and steak supreme gordita provide 280 calories with just 29 grams of carbs.  Other options would be the Fresco chicken or grilled soft taco.  These tacos have approximately 150 calories and only 18 grams of carbs.  You could have two chicken soft tacos and barely break the 300 calorie range and only 32 grams of carbs.

The drinks are not friendly.  All of them are loaded with sugar and range from 400-1100 calories dependent on size.  Drink water or you will be killing any good food choice made.

The key to weight loss is maintaining total caloric intake to 1200 -1800 calories per day dependent on your current weight and activity level.  This means the caloric need at each meal will range from 300-400 calories per sitting.  In addition, if too many of your meals come from restaurants make sure you’re taking a liquid or gummy multi-vitamin daily.

Helping you lose fat & stay fit,