5 Reasons to Exercise as a Leading Edge Boomer.

Senior Strength 3

Improving and maintaining fitness is the most important thing we can do as we age.  If you want to have the ability to do the same things at 80 that you did at 40 it’s all about maintaining and improving fitness.  It’s never too early or too late to start.  The key is being consistent and doing it.

Dead Lift Senior

It improves physical strength. The only thing separating any of us from a nursing home is the physical strength to take care of our self.  Lose the strength we currently have due to an illness or a fall and boom we’re in a nursing home.  Research shows us that men and women well into their 80’s and 90’s can increase muscular strength.  The first step is doing it.

Senior Lifting

It improves glucose and insulin management. For years we’ve known that exercise makes our cells more sensitive to insulin and decrease risk for Type 2 diabetes.  However combine a healthy diet with daily activity and you can reverse Type 2 diabetes and put it in remission without medication.

Senior Strength 4

Decrease depression symptoms. Several studies have shown that exercise decreases depression symptoms as well or better than depression medication with none of the side effects.  Include the added social aspect to a fitness class and you have the recipe for beating depression all together according to researchers.

Strength Senior 2

It improves confidence. Research show that older adults who maintain or build physical strength increase confidence because they are able to do and enjoy the same things they did in their 40’s and 50’s.  Increase your strength and see your confidence soar.

Over 65

Decrease your pharmacy bill. Exercise is the best drug on the market.  No drug out there has the health potential of exercise without any of the side effects.  Daily exercise has the potential to improve blood pressure, decrease chronic systemic inflammation, prevent Type 2 diabetes, decrease the risk of heart disease, some cancers, and even Alzheimer’s.

Exercise is medicine

Get up and start moving today and improve yourself and your health.  In the three short weeks my business has been opened I’ve had the incredible opportunity to meet a couple of leading edge boomers who are making huge strides in their fitness.  They impress me everyday.

7 Foods to Eliminate for Fat Loss

anti cereal

If you’re trying to lose fat it begins with the food you choose.  Eliminate these 7 foods from your diet and watch your waist and hips disappear and your health improve.


Ditch the cereal for breakfast. Cereal is killing your fat loss potential.  It doesn’t matter what type of so called healthy cereal you’re eating, as soon as you eat it you store it as fat.  Cereal makes your blood sugar spike which causes insulin to increase moving glycogen into muscles and the liver and storing the rest in fat cells.  Instead eat eggs with diced tomato and sweet peppers.  Add some sausage or ham for extra flavor.


lettuce burger

Forget about bread. Bread is just like cereal and does the same thing.  Eat too much and insulin level increase and stay up.  Too much insulin blocks the body’s ability to release fat to be burned.  Begin using lettuce as your new bun or wrap.  Lettuce is primarily water and fiber and does nothing to your blood sugar but improve its management.


Say good bye to pasta and noodles. Too many of these refined carbohydrates will quickly put you in blood sugar overload.  Ever wonder why you get sleepy after huge dish of pasta?  It’s your blood sugar crashing due to all those simple carbs.  In addition, you feel hungry within 2-3 hours of eating.  Once the pasta is converted to fat everything in the stomach disappears fast and you feel like you need to eat again.  Instead of pasta use a spiral shredder and make veggie noodles out of zucchini and squash.  They are better for you and barely move the blood sugar needle.


Stop eating rice. I know you think I am the grain police, but too many grains will make you fat plain and simple.  Rice is another food that’s quickly converted to sugar and stored as fat and raises insulin levels making it impossible to burn fat.  I hope this is sinking in.  Instead shred cauliflower and flavor it with your favorite spices like turmeric, black pepper and a little olive oil.  This is a great food for men and their prostate gland and it contains very few calories.

green tea1

Get rid of the SODA! In my opinion you are drinking liquid fat, because at the end of the day that’s what it’s converted to.  Loaded with high fructose corn syrup, it’s a major contributor to many chronic diseases and a leading cause of obesity.  Begin drinking water or tea without the sugar of course.  If you need sweetener in your tea apply the next food on the list.

coconut sugar

Throw your sugar and artificial sweetener away. Pure sugar plays havoc on your blood sugar and insulin levels and by now we know high insulin levels are bad when it comes to fat loss.  As for artificial sweeteners we don’t know the long term effects on the body, however preliminary data tells us it might not be good.  I’ll leave it at that and let you do your own research.  Replace sugar and artificial sweeteners with coconut sugar, raw honey or pure maple syrup.  These sweeteners come from real food and can be beneficial to you.

yogurt and peaches

News Flash….Little Debbie Wants To Make You FAT. Stop eating baked goods that spike your blood sugar and contain absolutely no nutrients.  If this is your snack of choice you will never lose fat.  Witch to whole food snacks.  Mix almonds, walnuts, raisins and dark chocolate chips and use it as a trail mix snack.  Blend yogurt with peaches or strawberries for a protein rich snack complete with probiotics and antioxidants.

Eliminate these things form your diet and watch the fat melt away easier than you ever thought possible.

3 Types of Running Shoes: Do You Have the Right Pair?

shoes running

I never knew shoes could make a difference until a friend and I did a long run on a Saturday morning.  Derek and I had been running for 10+ months training for a marathon.  We’d done several 16+ mile runs and decided we were going to do an 18 miler this particular Saturday morning.  Derek showed up with new shoes he was planning to break in for the first 6 miles.  However 2 miles into the run his shins were hurting so bad he had to quit.

The next weekend Derek showed up with the old shoes and completed a 20 mile run without any shin pain.  The only thing that had changed was the shoes and with this my running shoe research began.

Do you know what type of running shoe you need?  What type of foot do you have?  What type of wear pattern do you have on your shoes?  Do you currently have foot, shin or knee pain?  It may be your shoe selection.

Running shoe manufacturers make three kinds of shoes.  They make a neutral shoe, stability shoe, and a motion control shoe.  Your food type determines the type of shoe you need.

nuetral shoe

If you have a high arch and wear the inside heel of your shoe you need a neutral shoe.  Only about 5% of the population needs this type of shoe.  However, if you don’t know what you’re looking for, chances are you will come home with a neutral shoe.  Neutral shoes are the cheapest and most prevalent on most shoe store shelves.

Stabiity Shoe

If you have a normal semi-high or low arch and wear the outside heel of your shoe you need a stability shoe.  Stability shoes control how fast and hard your foot pronates when you run.  This control reduces the torque and stress on the lower leg, ankle and knee.  80%-90% of the population needs a stability shoe.  Stability shoes run between $59 and $99 but make all the difference when you start increasing mileage.

motion control shoe

If you have flat feet you will need a motion control shoe.  This shoe usually has a cross bar in the heel that prevent your foot from rolling or pronating.  As a result it takes the pressure and torque off the ankles.  All flat footed people can utilize this shoes function to decrease the stress placed on the ankles.  Only about 5% of the population needs a shoe like this but if you’re flat footed it will make all the difference.  Motion control shoes are the most expensive and run between $110 and $140.  However, if you are serious about running it’s an expense that will prevent pain and discomfort in the long run, no pun intended.

The correct shoe can mean the difference between injury and running pain free.  Follow my facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Expect-Results-Fitness/789913521063371?ref=hl and find out when I’m going to do a FREE shoe clinic on Saturday.

5 Exercises Every Runner Should Be Doing!


Strength training should be a part of every runners training program.  Maintaining and increasing strength improves running efficiency, power and decreases injuries.  The 5 exercises below should be the strength training foundation for every runner.

lateral band walk

Lateral Band Walks:  Hip Abduction under resistance is the number one thing runners can do to prevent knee injuries.  Most runners who develop knee tracking problems do so as a result of weak glutes.  Strong glutes are the key to pain free running.  Do 3 sets of 10-20 reps on both legs.


Squats:  If you do squats correctly nothing builds overall leg and butt strength and flexibility.  Improving squat strength will improve power and strength improving running efficiency and hill climbing ability.  Increasing the depth of your squat builds strength but more importantly improves flexibility.  Do 3-4 sets, 5-15 reps dependent on the weight.

bulgarian split squat

Bulgarian Split Squat:  Great exercise for building single leg strength.  Isolates one leg and builds the quadriceps and glutes.  Builds running power and prevents injuries.  For beginners start with the trail leg on a platform no more than 4-6 inches off the ground with no weight.  Do 2-3 sets, 5-10 reps.

deadlift 1

Dead Lift:  Probably the best exercise for runners that most runners never even contemplate.  The dead lift builds strength in the hamstrings and glutes.  This exercise can prevent injuries and improve power that makes hill running easier.  If you’ve never done this exercise before make sure you find someone competent to teach you.  Dead lift done wrong can be detrimental to your back.  Do 2-4 sets, 3-7 reps dependent on the weight.

Jump rope

Jump Rope:  Builds speed and calf strength.  Jumping rope will make you light on your feet and trains you to stay on your toes.  This is a great way to build endurance, coordination and speed all things runners need. Do 30 second or 1 minute intervals with the same amount of rest.  Complete 4-6 sets of each.

Increase your speed and power while decreasing your injury risk with strength training.

Strength Training: The Fountain of Youth

Over 65

I have trained men and women over the age of 65 for years.  These men and women learn about the importance of strength and use the training to reset their chronological clock.  The stronger they become the younger they look and feel.

Strength training is the fountain of youth and its available to anyone.  Strength training has been found to lower blood pressure, improve glucose control, improve balance, increase sex drive and decrease body fat just to name a few.  Men and women can increase strength well into their 90’s.  The late Jack LaLanne still worked out 2 hours a day at age 94 and actually worked out with pneumonia the day before his death at age 96.

It’s never too late to begin and it only takes 30 minutes, 3-4 days per week to see results.  Increasing lower body strength improves movement and decreases the risk of falling.  Increasing upper body strength improves posture and helps with daily activities like opening jars and lifting heavy objects overhead without placing undue stress on the low back.

Start your youth movement today.  Call 501-607-4974 begin getting stronger today!  Over 65 strength training classes now forming at 11:15 and again at 11:50.  30 minute classes that cost less than $1 a day that have the potential to change your health.

I Cross Train Because I Run

marathon runnersmarahon medals

Between 1999 and 2008 I ran 7 marathons and more half marathons than I can count.  I love running and still run but I train differently.  As I’ve gotten older I’ve learned the importance of cross training.

While I was training for and doing marathons I learned somethings about my body.  In 2008 I was asked to play on an intramural basketball team.  Basketball is another sport I love.  I hadn’t played in 6-7 years so I was excited about the opportunity to play again.  I went to my first practice and realized I had lost flexibility and strength.  I couldn’t even get into a defensive stance due to my flexibility losses and I was a step or two slower than everyone I guarded.  I could run in a straight line all day but I couldn’t move or change directions well.

The next week I totally changed the way I trained.  I would still run but my runs were shorter and more intense.  I started teaching a cross training class that concentrated on strength, flexibility, interval training and moving in different directions.  Over the next 6 months I changed my body and believe ot or not I got faster.  In fact I became a faster runner at 40 than I was in my 20’s.

I now have fewer injuries, less low back pain and move better than ever.  If you run but need to increase strength and flexibility try cross training 2-3 days per week.  I promise it will take your running and health to a whole new level.

Fitness Boot Camp could take your running and health to a new level.  Call me at 501-607-4974.

7 Physical Exercises That Build Six Pack Abs

abs 1 6 pack

Which exercises build a strong core and carve out six pack abs.  While most people think it takes thousands of abdominal reps it doesn’t.  It takes a combination of total body exercises and techniques that don’t even involve crunches.  Develop your future six pack with these 7 exercises/training techniques.


High intensity short duration sprints: Next time you have spare time do a google search for pictures of sprinters.  You will quickly see men and women with six packs.  These men and women never run more than 200-400 meters at one time, but they run 40-400 meters several times at a very high intensity.  High intensity short sprints can help you burn fat as well.  Try doing 6 x 100 meter runs your next workout.

Box Jumps

Box Jumps: Nothing develops abdominal muscles like jumping.  Think about the high flyer in the NBA, they all have ripped abs.  Add box jumps to your workout.  Many think box umps are hard on the knees but you can do box jumps that hardly impact the knees.  Jump on the box and land the jump as quietly as possible then just step off the box.  There’s no need or benefit to jumping off the box.


Planks: Planks are the foundation for core and strength.  Studies suggest if you can hold a plank for more than 60 seconds your risk for back injuries decrease significantly.  Planks can be completed anywhere, simply get in a push-up position in the up position and hold it with a flat back on your hands or on your elbows.  Hold as long as possible but be sure to keep your butt down.


hollow body

Hollow Body: Some people call it the dead bug.  It’s the foundation exercise to build the core.  Simply lay on your back maintaining a flat back (pulling the belly button through the floor).  Hand and arms above head raise the shoulders off the ground while pulling legs and knees toward the abdomen and hold for 10-60 seconds dependent on current fitness level.

hanging knees to chest

Hanging Knee’s to Chest: This is an awesome exercise to build great looking abdominal muscles. Hang from a bar and pull your knee’s up toward your chest.  Make sure you use your abdominal muscles and not just your hip flexors to pull the legs up.  Builds a little arm and grip strength as well.


Torso Band Rotation: Stand sideways while holding a resistance band and twist to the right 10-20 reps then switch to the left.  You may also want to twist in a downward motion as you do this exercise.  This will not only help sculpt abdominal muscles but is a very functional movement as well.

med ball slam

Medicine Ball Slams: This is a great abdominal exercise as well as a cardio blast that will wear you out.  Take an 8-20 lb medicine ball and press straight arm over head, then slam the ball as hard as you can to the ground.  Catch the ball on the rebound and do it again.  Repeat this for 7-15 reps then rest. Do 3-5 sets and make sure to bend at the knees to pick the ball up and not at the waist.

These 7 exercises will strengthen your abdominal muscle and start forming those chiseled abs.  However, remember the real ab work comes at the dinner table.

If you would like more fitness and health information to include a FREE Super Foods e-book go to http://forms.aweber.com/form/68/1724902468.htm

8 Daily Exercises That Produce Six Pack Abs


People always ask what exercises gets rid of belly and back fat while chiseling a six pack?  The answer may surprise many of you.  Six pack abs don’t necessarily come from hours of work in the gym but rather from your diet.  Sure you need to do things that strengthen the core, but I know many who already have a six pack but due to the fat over the top you can’t see the work that been accomplished.

Fat loss uses my 80/20 rule.  80% of fat loss is diet and 20% is exercise.  They both play an important role but fat loss is more about the types of food you eat.  If you truly want to see your abdominal muscles you must follow these 8 food rules.


1.  Decide to eliminate or severely limit fructose and sucrose from your diet. This is very difficult because almost all processed foods contain fructose or sucrose.  This is the first and most important step to repairing hormone balances in your body that allow you to lose weight.  Read my blog post http://jacksonvillearkansasfitness.com/2015/03/13/health-begins-in-the-gut-gut-health/ for more on this.


2.  Add lots of ant-inflammatory vegetables to your diet. Vegetables like broccoli, carrots, onions, greens and sweet potato’s all have anti-inflammatory qualities that heal the body and help lower insulin levels and improve glucose management.  Lowering insulin levels is crucial to fat loss.


3.  Eat whole fruits every day. Fruits are loaded with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.  Many people may say don’t eat fruit if you’re trying to lose weight but it’s not true.  Eating whole fruit is one of the best things you can do for fat loss and muscle recovery.


4.  Eat eggs every day. Eggs are probably the best fat loss food in the world.  They are loaded with protein, vitamins and minerals.  Eat the whole egg because the yolk is where all the nutrients are located.  Don’t worry about the cholesterol because cholesterol doesn’t cause heart disease chronic systemic inflammation does.  I have and will be writing more on inflammation.


5.  Put nuts in your snacks. Preferably use nuts that come from trees.  Nuts contain good fat (omega 3 oil) that make you feel full longer.  This is a great trick for overcoming leptin resistance and helping you avoid eating processed high fructose snacks.


6.  Get your gut right. Add foods like sauerkraut, kim chi, and yogurt to your diet.  These fermented foods contain probiotics that heal the gut lining and return the intestines to their natural state.  A healthy gut helps the body process nutrients more efficiently and lowers chronic systemic inflammation.


7.  Add these spices to your food. Turmeric, cinnamon and garlic should be added to food.  All three are anti-inflammatories, antibacterial, and antioxidants.  Turmeric and cinnamon both have been directly linked to fat loss in multiple studies.

green tea

8.  Drink plenty of water, but if water doesn’t do it for you. Drink green or black tea.  Both have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities.

Adopt these food rules and you won’t have to count calories.  Fat loss has nothing to do with how many calories you eat or the type of exercise you do.  It’s all the types of food you eat and correcting your hormone balance.  Start eating the right way today and begin losing fat.

If you would like more fitness and health information to include a FREE Super Foods e-book go to http://forms.aweber.com/form/68/1724902468.htm

Five Exercises that Build Great Hips and Thighs


Add these five exercises to your workout and develop great looking hips and thighs this summer.  The key to success with any workout that’s going to change your body is consistency and over load with the exercises.  Consistency means you need to do them at least 3 times per week and overload means you need to change the amount of weight and/or reps your doing.


Squats:  Squats build and tone the glutes, quads and hamstrings.  To perform squats correctly make sure you keep your weight back over the ankle and back of the heels and your lower leg should be perpendicular to the ground.  When coming up out of the squat squeeze the butt and focus on pushing the hips through.  If you do the squat right you will feel it in the butt the next day.


Back Lunges:  Back lunges targets the glutes, quads and hamstrings.  Step back with the left leg making sure the right knee stays at perfect 90o angle.  Touch the left knee to the ground or close to the ground then drive it forward and stand straight pulling the hips through.  If you begin to experience knee pain check the angle of the knee when going down.  It may be helpful to hang on to something stable.

versa loop

Lateral Band Walks:  Lateral band walks target the glutes.  Place a versa loop/band around both ankles and step sideways as wide as possible.  Step 10-20 steps in each direction.  Totally targets the backside.

Dead lift

Dead Lift:  The dead lift targets the glutes, quads and hamstrings.  I strongly suggest you have someone knowledgeable train you how to do the dead lift properly before doing it.  A proper dead lift requires good hamstring flexibility or will require you to increase the height of the starting position.  Drop the butt and make sure the core stays tight and the back stays flat.  Keep the bar as close to the shin as possible.  When lifting drag the bar up the shin while pulling the hips through and squeezing the butt.  Lower the weight while maintaining a flat back and an intact core.  Usually do no more than 3-5 at a time if the weight is heavy.

jump squat

Jump Squats:  Jump squats targets the glutes, quads and hamstrings while working the cardiovascular system as well.  Don’t utilize weight with this exercise unless it’s a weight vest.  Follow the same instructions for the squat above but this time you will thrust the hips forcefully enough to cause the feet to leave the ground.  This is a great fat burning exercise.

Consistently placing these exercises into your workout will develop the hips and thighs you want this summer.  Work hard and get the Results you Expect from Fitness.

If you would like more fitness and health information to include a FREE Super Foods e-book go to http://forms.aweber.com/form/68/1724902468.htm