7 Physical Exercises That Build Six Pack Abs

abs 1 6 pack

Which exercises build a strong core and carve out six pack abs.  While most people think it takes thousands of abdominal reps it doesn’t.  It takes a combination of total body exercises and techniques that don’t even involve crunches.  Develop your future six pack with these 7 exercises/training techniques.


High intensity short duration sprints: Next time you have spare time do a google search for pictures of sprinters.  You will quickly see men and women with six packs.  These men and women never run more than 200-400 meters at one time, but they run 40-400 meters several times at a very high intensity.  High intensity short sprints can help you burn fat as well.  Try doing 6 x 100 meter runs your next workout.

Box Jumps

Box Jumps: Nothing develops abdominal muscles like jumping.  Think about the high flyer in the NBA, they all have ripped abs.  Add box jumps to your workout.  Many think box umps are hard on the knees but you can do box jumps that hardly impact the knees.  Jump on the box and land the jump as quietly as possible then just step off the box.  There’s no need or benefit to jumping off the box.


Planks: Planks are the foundation for core and strength.  Studies suggest if you can hold a plank for more than 60 seconds your risk for back injuries decrease significantly.  Planks can be completed anywhere, simply get in a push-up position in the up position and hold it with a flat back on your hands or on your elbows.  Hold as long as possible but be sure to keep your butt down.


hollow body

Hollow Body: Some people call it the dead bug.  It’s the foundation exercise to build the core.  Simply lay on your back maintaining a flat back (pulling the belly button through the floor).  Hand and arms above head raise the shoulders off the ground while pulling legs and knees toward the abdomen and hold for 10-60 seconds dependent on current fitness level.

hanging knees to chest

Hanging Knee’s to Chest: This is an awesome exercise to build great looking abdominal muscles. Hang from a bar and pull your knee’s up toward your chest.  Make sure you use your abdominal muscles and not just your hip flexors to pull the legs up.  Builds a little arm and grip strength as well.


Torso Band Rotation: Stand sideways while holding a resistance band and twist to the right 10-20 reps then switch to the left.  You may also want to twist in a downward motion as you do this exercise.  This will not only help sculpt abdominal muscles but is a very functional movement as well.

med ball slam

Medicine Ball Slams: This is a great abdominal exercise as well as a cardio blast that will wear you out.  Take an 8-20 lb medicine ball and press straight arm over head, then slam the ball as hard as you can to the ground.  Catch the ball on the rebound and do it again.  Repeat this for 7-15 reps then rest. Do 3-5 sets and make sure to bend at the knees to pick the ball up and not at the waist.

These 7 exercises will strengthen your abdominal muscle and start forming those chiseled abs.  However, remember the real ab work comes at the dinner table.

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