5 Exercises Every Runner Should Be Doing!


Strength training should be a part of every runners training program.  Maintaining and increasing strength improves running efficiency, power and decreases injuries.  The 5 exercises below should be the strength training foundation for every runner.

lateral band walk

Lateral Band Walks:  Hip Abduction under resistance is the number one thing runners can do to prevent knee injuries.  Most runners who develop knee tracking problems do so as a result of weak glutes.  Strong glutes are the key to pain free running.  Do 3 sets of 10-20 reps on both legs.


Squats:  If you do squats correctly nothing builds overall leg and butt strength and flexibility.  Improving squat strength will improve power and strength improving running efficiency and hill climbing ability.  Increasing the depth of your squat builds strength but more importantly improves flexibility.  Do 3-4 sets, 5-15 reps dependent on the weight.

bulgarian split squat

Bulgarian Split Squat:  Great exercise for building single leg strength.  Isolates one leg and builds the quadriceps and glutes.  Builds running power and prevents injuries.  For beginners start with the trail leg on a platform no more than 4-6 inches off the ground with no weight.  Do 2-3 sets, 5-10 reps.

deadlift 1

Dead Lift:  Probably the best exercise for runners that most runners never even contemplate.  The dead lift builds strength in the hamstrings and glutes.  This exercise can prevent injuries and improve power that makes hill running easier.  If you’ve never done this exercise before make sure you find someone competent to teach you.  Dead lift done wrong can be detrimental to your back.  Do 2-4 sets, 3-7 reps dependent on the weight.

Jump rope

Jump Rope:  Builds speed and calf strength.  Jumping rope will make you light on your feet and trains you to stay on your toes.  This is a great way to build endurance, coordination and speed all things runners need. Do 30 second or 1 minute intervals with the same amount of rest.  Complete 4-6 sets of each.

Increase your speed and power while decreasing your injury risk with strength training.