Not A Diet


Weight loss is all about diet. If you want to lose weight you must focus on HOW you eat. So…… What diet do you choose? Do you go Keto? Do you do Intermittent Fasting? Maybe Southbeach Low Carb is your answer.
While I myself do a form of intermittent fasting I’ve found the real key is not concentrating so much on specific DIETS but rather developing measurable HABITS that over time get you real results.
The key is not depriving yourself, but putting concentrated effort into a couple of habits that totally change your health and places your weight loss game on the offense.
So…….. What are those habits?

5 Diet Habits That Will Change You

1. Get Hydrated! Drink at least 64 oz of water per day. Yes, you will pee all the time but it will be ok. Drink your water.

2. Eat Your Vegetables! Eat at minimum 2 cups of vegetables per day. At first some may think this is hard but you’ll soon find it easy. The more vegetables you eat the more weight you will lose. Steamed, roasted, raw or sautéed get your vegetables!

3. Eat More Beans & Nuts! Everyday have at least 1 cup of cooked beans/peas and ¼ cup of nuts (almonds, pecans, walnuts, Brazilian). Peanuts/low carb peanut butter is ok as long as you’re not allergic.

4. Limit Your Sweets! You can have 1 serving of cookies, ice cream, cake, candy bar, potato chips, crackers even a small soda per day. Of course, if you can omit these all together its better both for your weight loss and your health. However, I’m a realist.
Make better choices for snacks. Instead of eating the above choose a low carb protein bar, have a low carb protein shake, nuts, beef jerky, pork rinds, Halo Top Ice Cream. Always be on the lookout for a better choice.
One other helpful tip. If you’re looking for a better snack choice, Google keto snacks or just put keto in front of whatever you’re hungry for and see what options come up.

5. Limit Bread, Pizza & Pasta! You can have 2 servings per week. Does your family want pizza night? That’s ok. Limit it to 1-2 slices and that’s one serving. Do you want hamburger night? That’s fine. Make the choice to eat it on a bun or on lettuce. Have what the family wants just make wise choices and limit it to 2 times per week.
Don’t deprive yourself, just don’t overdo it. The real trick is moderation and lots and lots of vegetables and water.
Make yourself a calendar and check off all the days you are successful meeting your daily habits. The more days you check off the more results you’ll see.

Intermittent Fasting Note
As I stated at the top, I do a form of intermittent fasting. I would encourage you to consider doing some form of intermittent fasting. It’s great for weight loss and great for your health.
I do a form of intermittent fast called 18/6 fasting. I fast for 18 hours with nothing but water. I will eat my first meal sometime around noon to 1 PM and then wrap eating around 6 – 7 PM.
In addition, I do a 24 hour fast 1-2 times per month.
If you choose to do some type of intermittent fasting and you have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes or any other medical condition, please talk to your medical provider before starting